The primary duty of the School Governing Body is to take decisions to safeguard and protect the future interests of Tamboerskloof Primary School.
TKPS Governing Body
The primary duty of the School Governing Body is to take decisions to safeguard and protect the future interests of Tamboerskloof Primary School.
TKPS Governing Body
TKPS offers a range of sports and other activities. We refer to all of these activities as intra-murals as they take place during the official school day on a Monday from 14:35pm to 15:35pm. Learners are required to participate in one summer activity and one winter activity. Sign-up for these activities takes place during a special assembly at the beginning of term one.
Whats on offer
Sport - summer terms (1 and 4): cricket, swimming, athletics and ball skills.
Sport - winter terms (2 and 3): soccer, netball, cross-country and ball skills.
Clubs and societies - all-year: the environmental club, book appreciation, chess, arts and crafts, computer club, needlework, table tennis,
Once a learner has selected an activity, they must see it through to the end of the year.
Private Extra-murals (after school hours)
If you wish to enroll your child in a private extramural activity, please contact the school office for more information. Please note that these activities are paid for separately and the school only provides the venue; all communication must be made directly to the facilitator.
Piano lessons