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TKPS offers a range of sports and other activities. We refer to all of these activities as intra-murals as they take place during the official school day on a Monday from 14:35pm to 15:35pm. Learners are required to participate in one summer activity and one winter activity. Sign-up for these activities takes place during a special assembly at the beginning of term one.


Whats on offer


Sport - summer terms (1 and 4): cricket, swimming, athletics and ball skills. 

Sport - winter terms (2 and 3): soccer, netball, cross-country and ball skills. 


Clubs and societies - all-year: the environmental club, book appreciation, chess, arts and crafts, computer club, needlework, table tennis, 


Once a learner has selected an activity, they must see it through to the end of the year.


Private Extra-murals (after school hours)


If you wish to enroll your child in a private extramural activity, please contact the school office for more information. Please note that these activities are paid for separately and the school only provides the venue; all communication must be made directly to the facilitator.


Piano lessons




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