The primary duty of the School Governing Body is to take decisions to safeguard and protect the future interests of Tamboerskloof Primary School.
TKPS Governing Body
The primary duty of the School Governing Body is to take decisions to safeguard and protect the future interests of Tamboerskloof Primary School.
TKPS Governing Body
General Information
General information regarding the school is provided below; please consult this page before contacting the school office.
School Closing Times
Grade R
Monday - Thursday: 07:55am - 12:30pm
Friday: 07:55am - 12:10pm
Grade 1
Monday - Thursday: 07:55am - 13:30pm
Friday: 07:55am - 12:20pm
Grade 2
Monday: 07:55am - 13:45pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 07:55am - 13:35pm
Friday: 07:55am - 12:20pm
Grade 3
Monday: 07:55am - 15:35pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 07:55am - 14:35pm
Wednesday: 07:55am - 13:45pm
Friday: 07:55am - 12:20pm
Grades 4 - 7
Monday: 07:55am - 15:35pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 07:55am - 14:35pm
Friday: 07:55am - 12:20pm
Admin Office
The Admin Office is open from 7:30am until the end of the school day. The school gates are open from 7:15am. We request that you collect your child within 60min of school closing; and within 30min after an event or extra-curricular activity has ended.
First break: 10:25am - 10:45am
Second break: 13:15pm to 13:40pm
Permission to leave early
The school must be notified in advance via email or letter if a learner is to be collected early; kindly collect your child from reception and not from the classroom.
Parking and drop-off
TKPS is situated in a residential area; we ask that you please be considerate of our neighbours (no hooting). The official drop-off zone is on Byron street at gates 1 and 2. To facilitate traffic flow, Warren, Byron, Belle Ombre and Tamboerskloof roads act as unofficial one-way roads before and after school - see below.
Site Title
Drop-off Zone
Access to school grounds
Parents are not allowed to accompany their child(ren) to class. Any parent needing access to the school must report to reception to obtain a visitor tag. Reception is located at gate 3 on Belle Ombre Road.
By WCED regulation, we are required to monitor late-coming as it disrupts the school day and has a negative impact on your child's class. Gates 1 and 2 on Byron Street are locked at 7:55am; learners who are late must make use of the main entrance on Belle Ombre Road (gate 3). Regular late-coming will be met with appropriate punishment.
All learners are expected to be at school during term time unless they are ill, or absent for compassionate or religious reasons. Your child's class teacher must be notified; please provide a written letter addressed to the Principal if your child's absenteeism extends beyond one day. Taking your child(ren) out of school for other reasons may negatively impact on their education. No work will be set out for them and no extra time/help will be given when they return.
The school does not have the facilities or staff to look after sick children; we would also like to contain the illness as far as possible. If your child(ren) becomes ill you will be contacted by the office to collect them. If you are unable to collect your child, please make an alternative arrangement for someone to collect them. Contingency plans must be made in this regard.
As per WCED regulation, the school is not allowed to administer any form of medication without written consent and instruction from a parent. If your child is required to take medication during the school day, please complete the form below and hand it to the class teacher. If your child is in aftercare, an additional form must be completed and handed to the Aftercare Facilitator.
TKPS uses a number of ways to keep parents in the loop. Please see below:
A newsletter containing important school info is sent home every couple of weeks.
Circulars pertaining to specific school events are sent when needed.
Important announcements and updates are communicated on the D6 Communicator. Please download this to your desktop, tablet or phone using the link below.
Class Dojo app; your child's teacher will provide you with more information.
The school website will be updated weekly with important dates, events and information.
Please return reply-slips as soon as possible.
Parent-teacher meetings
Parent-teacher meetings are compulsory and held during terms one - three, and by appointment only in term four.
To see the Principal, please make an appointment well in advance by contacting the school office; no walk-in appointments will be accepted. For appointments with teachers, please contact the teacher directly via Class Dojo. Under no circumstances may a parent interrupt a teacher while they are teaching.
Discipline is integral to the successful running of our school. We expect our learner's to conduct themselves in a manner that allows for optimal learning and encourages comradery and mutual respect. We encourage families to set appropriate behavioural boundaries at home which can be reinforced at school. All students attending TKPS are subject to the TKPS Code of Conduct. Please download our prospectus to view the Code of Conduct.
The school does need some way of enforcing discipline and curbing behaviour that is destructive and unruly. Different teachers use different classroom strategies, however, all of these aim to align with our School's Code of Conduct.
Additionally, the school makes use of the Merit and Demerit System. Learners are given demerits for inappropriate behaviour and merits for admirable behaviour. Please see below:
Any money sent to school remains the responsibility of the learner. Money sent to the school in an official capacity (not for tuck-shop or market days etc.) should be sent in a sealed and clearly marked envelope and handed to the class teacher or reception at the start of the school day. Students in the Foundation Phase are encouraged to make use of the Tambi money pouch which they can wear around their neck. This is available form the school office.
Cellphones and other electronic devices are not permitted at school.
TKPS will not be held responsible for any valuables that are lost/damaged at school.
Phone calls
To the school
The admin office is incredibly busy; we ask that you limit your calls to the office to emergencies only. Information pertaining to school times, sports event, cultural events, exams and applications are available on the website, the D6 Communicator and the newsletters.
From the school
You will be contacted by the school in the event of an emergency. Learners may not call home if they have forgotten something, including any school work and lunches.
When joining TKPS, your child will be allocated a house. The houses are Buren, Leerdam and Nassau. House points are awarded at sport events, cultural events and for good behaviour and participation through-out the year. At the end of the year, the winning house is awarded the house trophy.
House colours
Buren: Yellow
Leerdam: Light Blue
Nassau: Navy Blue
The school has a well-resourced library and we encourage our learners to read as much as possible. The library is open during breaks. Lost or damaged books need to be paid for.
The tuck-shop is open during first break (Monday - Thursday).
The school generally hosts one fundraising event per term. The school is dependent on these fundraisers and we ask that you support the school in this regard.
We love to celebrate the achievements of our learners. Those achievements relating to school activities are announced during assembly. If you would like us to present any outside achievements at assembly, please inform the class teacher.
If you would like to provide a treat for your child's class on their birthday, please send it to school in a way that is easy to distribute - cupcakes are ideal. Your child may wear civvies on their birthday (or on the school day closest to their birthday).